Sunday, March 8, 2009

library platform exploration

I liked the bench/shelf/platform thing, something you could sit on, leave books on and gives you access to higher areas of the shelf.

So I played around with adding one to the library....

What I liked about this is that it provided spatial definition while keeping the space open. One thing I've been thinking about is Sean who has just decided he likes sleeping on his own. I attribute this to a couple of things. First, obviously, he's getting older (6). But also, since I got the bunk bed he's discovered that he likes sleeping in the lower bunk--it's like a cozy cave. Then I realized that opening up the library space from what we have before gives him a clear view from his room into the MBR. So he can literally stand in his room and see me. So I've been experimenting with ways to define the library space without losing the sight lines and the open feeling of the library. Obviously, I would lose the sight line if I did something like the "ticket booth" configuration I designed earlier.

At any rate, what I liked about the platform is that it provided a bench/platform/table space, but it also became a kind of stage, like those kid's stages they have at Barnes and Nobles...

Then I started thinking about adding a sleeping platform. I ended up realizing that there's not enough vertical space there. But after playing around with it a bit, I found that the sleeping platform could make a good bookshelf. So here's where I ended up....

This configuration gives me a huge shelf (the former sleeping platform) to hold my small paperback size books. I could use both sides of the shelf and the lower platform would give me easy access to the books. Of course, for the part that goes over the 'hallway' I'd be out of luck. Other people could use the shelf for decorative items and objects. The shelf could also contain a reading light or illumination for the 'stage.' I do lose some vertical bookshelf space with this configuration on the S wall, however, but really, not too much.

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